This is a question I asked myself today. My boyfriend is a recovering drug addict/alcoholic, and was working on a gratitude journal a while back. I came across it, and it got me to thinking...what am I grateful for?....There are so many things in my life that make me overwhelmingly depressed, such as the suicide of my mother, my horrible adolescence, my lack of a career, my inability to deal with people in general, and also my lack of hope for future survival....
However....I must admit...for some things I am grateful......
1) I have a wonderful father...he took care of me and raised me after my mother offed herself....I was still a kid at the time. My Dad is so good to me... I hope some day to make him proud, and somehow pay him back for all the good has shown to me :)
2) I have a boyfriend who loves me...and believe me, he has his problems....but he helps take care of me...he buys our food....sometimes he pisses me off so much...but he's so loyal....
3)I have roof over my head...I really don't deserve father pays my rent because I can't hold down a full time job due to my emotional issues.....I appreciate this to no end-- I could be homeless....
4) I love the ability to walk and breath...I used to be a runner...but I can't do that anymore for a variety of reasons...however...I am so happy I can use my legs, I can use my lungs...I can go outside on the rare ocassion when I have time, and love the earth...I am so thankful I can move...I don't know what I would do, if I could no experience this beautiful earth....and believe me I don't, not as much as I'd like! :)
3) I am thankful I can feel thankful...I have been so numb during times in my life...I am glad I can feel gratitude, misery, pain, happiness, thankfullness...and everything else....
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