I think this is a topic many people struggle with...for those of us with eating disorders it's a very fucked up issue...
I have been bulimic for roughly 12 years now...so I don't even know what "normal" is...All I know is what feels "comfortable."....When I get over 120 I do not feel "comfortable,"...I feel fucking fat...I felt my best at 110, but as I've gotten older I find it difficult to keep my wieght down. When I was younger, I was not comfortable over 113...but I'm not 20 anymore...
Here are some more reasons I find it hard to keep my weight down:
1) I'm older and not as obsessed with excercise
2) I like high calorie alcholic beverages (a new thing in the last couple of years)
3) Now that I'm getting older and have some lines and a few grays it's a losing
battle anyway...I'm pretty much fucked no matter what I do....
4) perhaps my metabolism is slowing down some...
So on a related note, I weighed myself today for the first time in a few weeks...I don't have a scale at home, and only wieght myself at one of the local grocery stores...Yes, odd as it may seem, one of the local grocery stores has a scale-- maybe they think it will help sell diet food???? I weighed in at 117 1/2...So I only gained 1 1/2 pounds since last time...I still hate being this large. I want to be 110...It's just such a nice number...I don't know if I can pull it off though, with the odds stacked against me...
The fact that I am so fucking depressed today might help though...
How tall are you? 115-120 always seems like a great weight even for short girls like less than 5'2".
I'm about 5'4"...bear in mind I have body image issues...I felt I looked my best when I was about 112and 10 years younger...
I know exactly how you feel. You have no idea. I remember the elation when I reached the double digit magic weight. Since then my self discipline has slipped immensely and have resorted to maintaining weight with bulimia for years. aging sucks and so does metabolism! But your not fat...ideal weight :-)
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