I admit it. I am very jealous of many people. Especially people in happy relationships with good sex lives. I'm particularly jealous of people who have been married forever and can't imagine being with anyone else. I want that life...
I have never met the right person at the right time. I have however, maybe met the right person/s at the wrong time?...Take "Jeremy," the guy from college. I was too young and stupid to realize what a sweetheart he was. He liked me just how I was-- that's not easy to find, especially at age 19!...Then there is "Alex"-- our sexual chemistry is wonderful, and we have great conversation, but he is in a long term relationship that I doubt he will leave. He likes stability, and his girlfriend is stable...I'm just an unemployed, oversexed wierdo....
I would love to have that amazing relationship that combines great sex with great friendship and companionship....Sometimes I wonder if it will ever happen. I always fall for men I can't have...or men I can have, but then when I do want them...I can't have them....GGRR...
I love the idea of growing old with somebody. I hope this happens.
Jeremy is married and happy and things like that-good for Jeremy.
This "Alex" guy? What's up with that? Long term relationship? Bullshit. He's having sex with you when he wants it and his "real" girlfriend. You're his booty call and he's getting it from two different girls when he wants. Shit girl wake up!
So does that mean he's not gonna marry his long time girl in the near future??....That woudl be nice :) I wouldn't expect that though...I fear I will be on "booty call" status forever...even if/when the thing with "Alex" ends...the perpetual booty girl...GGGRR>>> :O
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