Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Panic of Aging...

I have nothing against aging persay-- it is unavoidable. What freaks me out is that I am at an age where I feel very "behind" my peers. Almost delayed perhaps-- and I feel like it's too late to catch up. I am referring to a lack of career and any basic job skills of course. So much has changed since I was in college-- it's all technology now, I feel to intimidated and too old to go back. I know it's not a competition, and I don't look at it as so. I just don't like feeling like a loser. Do I really want my Dad paying my rent when I am 40? What happened to my life??? I am thankful for the help of course, don't get me wrong.

Every year that goes by I feel I have wasted-- another year of schooling, etc..gone by.


iiizzzeeennn™ said...

Hang in there. Hang in there.

I'm still in my mid 20's and may I say it's not too late to start using things, namely technology. Like this morning, I just taught my mother (46 yrs old of age) how to import photos from iPhone to a computer.

It's never too late to learn. Classic and always true!!

What's Wrong With Me? said...

sweet! this gives me hope :)