Friday, May 8, 2009


Why do I always fall for men I can't have?

Exhibit A: boyfriend #1...much older and never wanted to marry...we are still
friends, he is very supportive of me emotionally
Exhibit 2: alcoholic with no interest in sex.....but he really is a good friend
exhibit 3: really hot artist dude who is in a long term relatioship with someone
else...mental/emotional sex...he won't talk to me
anymore...probably because he fears I will mess up his "safe" situation
exhibit 4: hot art dude who is kind of a jock and is moving away soon...(within
days)...we have similar boisterous personaltities

Do I seek out situations in which I am doomed to fail??? Or maybe I just like a challenge???? I hope something will work out eventually....


MoarMe said...

I think we all go for things we think we can't is a challange. I think eventually you find someone that is challenging and it does work itself out. That's what builds character and wisdom (or lack of! HAH!)

I pined over Jack for years and it took awhile before we were exclusive. Drove me nuts!

And who's to say there will be an end to the jock artist?? Jack moved out west and dated me long distance for a year.........i really thought that move was going to be the end.

My point being.....stay positive!

What's Wrong With Me? said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Bot! :) I have decided to "work on myself" and maybe that will helps matters. If not for Josh, than at least for me and the rest of my life :)