Friday, December 19, 2008

I hate my life immensely

You know those times in your life where everything just fucking sucks and you with you wouldn't have to wake up and deal with all the stupid fucking stressful shit? I am having one of those months. My ex relapsed, lost his job...I called "alex" who will no longer talk to me as a result, and my disability case is totally fucked. I recently discovered they don't even have one 20th of my wonder I got rejected. (I hope my lawyer is good at his job)...

Anyway, I am alone and broke and haven't' had sex in over a month. I am very type A...perhaps i will have a heart attack and get lucky. (no worries people, I'm not suicidal...just extremely annoyed/pissed off and slightly depressed and feeling hopeless). I have no desire to be in a relationship ever again. I cannot deal with feeling so fucked over.


Donnie said...

Christ girl. Don't even worry about a fucking relationship! Are you crazy? Wait, yeah you say you are. Ok, but fuck that shit. Stay away from guys for a while and work on things you need to get out of the way like your disability claim and whatever other shit you need to do!

What's Wrong With Me? said...

well said Don :) I believe you are right...