Sunday, June 7, 2009

Slowly Moving in with Sam...

I have been moving boxes of my stuff over to Sam's house this week. I am happy I will be saving money, but I will miss living on my own in a way-- I'm a pretty private person. I really don't like people I know, knowing that much about me, unless they are a close friend. Sam and I are pretty good friends though, so I think we will be OK-- especially with the dog there :)

I also wonder if this may help with communications with Josh down the road. It may be a long shot but you never know...maybe next time Josh is in town he will come and visit Sam...He did say though, that his only really close friends still in this town are his former roomate (a girl) and his former model who is a pharmacist...I also can't help but wonder if Josh will ever ask Sam about our living situation...(You never know)...and hopefully Sam will say something good, and Josh will realize I am not an insane person who parties everyday...

I wonder when (if ever) I will hear from Josh...maybe not until he returns to town? I hope he doesn't come back during one of my absenses...I have 2 trips planned this summer...


MoarMe said...

I wouldn't worry about Josh thinking your a partier. You know, Jack and I went to strip clubs with his buddies before he and I really started dating. I sort of worried about it but I knew things would work themselves out. And they did....sorta ;-) Plus Josh moved to quite the party who's really the partier here??

Things happen for a reason and you won't know those reasons until later when your thinking in retrospect. It's a good thing that you are moving in with Sam. It will help with those social skills.....cause people with E.D.'s tend to have a much higher social anxiety than most people.

Trips are great aren't they!?!? Gives you something to look forward too......where are you going?!? I need ideas cuz i haven't planned crap for any trips and need ideas.

What's Wrong With Me? said...

Good point Bot-- he moved to a mega party town...I can't help but think though, that he moved to get away from his friends...he said the people he hangs out with are all based on partying...and said he hoped he didn't fall into the same element down there...he is the determined type, so perhaps he won't, and for his sake I hope he doesn't....I think he will do well though...

I do wonder about things happening for a reason...and I think I met him for a reason (or multiple reasons)-- basically as a reminder to get my own shit together...(paint more, dont' focus on relationships so much, don't party so much, take care of yourself, etc..)...

You're right, I do think people with ED's have a higher rate of social bulimia is a little better, but definitely still there...I don't know how many of us are every really "cured." Maybe some of us...Even if I stop puking entirely I think I will always have wierdness around food...

This summer in late July I was planning on going home to see friends...and in late August I was maybe going to Portland with my ex to check it out...he used to live there and I am curious...nothing going in late June though...Josh's city it tempting!!!!!! Hhhmmm...incognito maybe????? In addition to Josh...I am curious about his city :) ...