Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm Starting to Look my Age...

And it's really pissing me off!!!! Ok, I still get people thinking I'm in my twenties, and I'm in my early 30's. But something has shifted in the last 2 years. Basically I have more lines, and deeper lines. And also quite a bit of gray in my temples. I think that is either from stress or tequila. (Although I cut down on the alcohol because it was making me chubby). Anyway, I'm not liking my appearance these days, and really don't want to resort to botox. I don't think I can afford botox anyway...

I realize perhaps I am focusing on my aging, because other aspects of my life are not going well. (ie: broke, no career, and no boyfriend)...I need something to feel good about...I hope I sell a large original painting soon..

1 comment:

MoarMe said...

I had some serious issues with this problem this past weekend. I HATE it.