Tuesday, October 21, 2008

OK, Ignore the Last Post...

Knowing my luck, and my shyness, it probably won't happen. I can always fantasize though, right?...

I didn't see him at all yesterday (and I thought I would run into him)...and today I just saw him briefly...Previously he said he wouldn't change his mind (ie: wants mind blowing sex)...Then today he said he keeps going back and forth...

The reason being (according to him anyway), is that he is worried about me...Not in an "oh my god she is insane way", but because apparently I seem innocent, sweet, and vulnerable. He claims he doesn't want to hurt me. Shit!!! I come off as innocent and sweet?!?!...Well, maybe in person I do...if they only knew :O .....

We'll see what happens...or doesn't happen...I think one of us will wuss out, no matter how bad we want something to happen...


Donnie said...

Sweetie let me clue you in on something. Two things are happening with this guy. As a guy myself I can say that 1) he doesn't want to have sex with you for some reason or 2) he's a total wimp and waiting on you to make the first move. Go for it!!!

What's Wrong With Me? said...

Thanks Don! :) I appreciate the imput :D