Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am Overwhelmingly Frustrated with my Current Situation...

I am not sure what to do at this point. I feel as though I am at a crossroads. I always feel this way though...Seriously, there is a reason why this blog is called "What's Wrong With Me."...

According to the psychiatrist I saw at the free clinic, what's wrong with me is that I have re-occurring major drepssion, generalized anxiety disorder, and bulimia. In the past I had more labels as well....I fucking hate labels, so I'm glad I dont' have as many as I used to...anyhoo...

I feel restless. I can't concentrate. I can't get anything done. I am too busy obsessing about my love life-- or lack there of, or what I should REALLY be doing with my life. I love the "idea" of being an artist, but I am a very practical person, and desire a steady paycheck. Alas, with a bachelor's degree in fine art, I'm not sure what my other options are-- other than retail...and I fucking hate retail...I am too introverted to be sales person...I hope I get me disability benefits back. I'm not as fucked up as when I got them the first time, but I'm still fucked up, so there is hope.

I don't intend it to be a permanent solution though. I want to be a productive person and do something with myself. I think it would help me though for now, as I am struggling in various ways....I am not really functioning like a normal person to tell you the truth. I can balance my budget, and make a sandwhich, but that's about it...

Maybe someday when I am more stable I will go back to school for another degree. I'm just not sure for what exactly. I have a passion for medical science, but I suck at science. I absolutely love animals, but again, I suck at science....maybe I should be an accountant...I'm good at math...or at least I used to be...


iiizzzeeennn™ said...

OH NO!!!... I feel like you're back to this same spot where you keep wondering about yourself again.

Come on... cheer up... I've been reading your blog for a while and i know u can get through this :-)

p.s. that's one good thing about blogging >> some supportive from the stranger.

What's Wrong With Me? said...

You are too good to me--Thanks so much for the support :)

MoarMe said...

You sure we aren't the same person??!!! HAHA! It's so easy to get caught up in life and love. Hang in there, things always work themselves out!

gala project said...

I'm in a frustrated situation too. But I think I found the solution for me, and is this project:
I'm from Barcelona, and I'm in NY for 2 months. I came here for start a new life, far than the illness. I start bulimic when I was 14, and now I'm 23, long time...
But I need the last thing to get over all. I'm a photographer and I want to make an storie about Bulimia,
not only for help all the girls with this problem and show it without stereotype, also because is for my cure.
I want to find some girls (or boys) with bulimia and make some special portraits. I want to show to the world how is this problem from my view, because I really understand the problem... Please is very very important to me, if you cant, but you know somebody, or a center, or something, I really appreciate.
Thanks for all.

What's Wrong With Me? said...
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What's Wrong With Me? said...

Bot-- we are so similar in some ways...though ti appears as though you function as a normal adult (unlike , who has my middle class Dad pay my rent-- sad but true) easy to get caught up in things though...

gala...I am so sorry for your pain, and can relate...